Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Whew!! Here We Go Again!!

Well, the Fall Semester at LDS Business College begins in 4 weeks and it's been crazy. We have a lot of prospective students applying for school and we've admitted quite a few. At first, I had lost all patience with the procrastinators, but I've since had a change of heart and realize that they are human beings just like I am. I'm trying to be better and remember that everyone has their reasons and I shouldn't judge them. So, here we go, lots of overtime and an opportunity to meet members of the Church, all over the world.

In my ward, I received another new calling. This is calling number 4 and I'm definitely feeling that. Currently, I am the Gospel Principles instructor, Choir Director, Relief Society Pianist. I haven't been sustained yet, but I will be getting my new calling this Sunday. Are you tired yet? I am, just thinking about it.

My social life has not suffered though. I have spent lots of time playing. My friend Kristene and I have been basically together every day. We scrapbook together, I went to a barbecue with her and her husband, James last night. They are a lot of fun and I enjoy being around the two of them. I've also spent some time with my friends from my ward. I've also gone to Bountiful a couple of times with my friends, Tiff, Laura, Kim, and Jill. We've watched movies, talked, watched Emmett (Tiff's little boy) dance, etc. I have such wonderful friends. I can't complain much about anything. I have been so blessed with everything I have.

So, there's the update. I will try to be better about posting about what's going on. Have a great day ya'll!!!