Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Okay, Okay . . . I'm sorry :)

I know its been forever since I've posted and many of you have let me know that its time that I get my act together and post something about my life. You asked for it, so here we go.

My little brother returned home from his mission to the McAllen Texas Mission. It was so good to see him. He's been keeping himself very busy with dating, working, and just being the awesome kid he is. I didn't realize how much I missed him until he came home. I don't know how I made it without him.

I was released from my choir director position but was immediately made the choir pianist. So, for now I'm the choir pianist, the ward organist, a Gospel Principles instructor and a visiting teacher. I am really busy in my branch, but there's not a lot of activity in the branch, so those of us that are faithful members get all of the callings and assignments. It can be hard but I feel like my testimony of the Gospel has grown considerably. I'm loving every moment of learning and feeling the spirit. It's been a wonderful experience and I'm trying to be better.

Work at the Business College has been busy and wonderful. We had our commencement on April 9, 2009. It turned out really well and it was fun seeing all of our wonderful students finally reach that mark of graduation. I am still in the admissions office and I have two wonderful student employees. Nicole and Lindsay are THE BEST!! They are so on top of things and they really don't need me or my help. Some of our students won't talk to me because they want to talk to Nicole or Lindsay, because they run the office. It's so much fun because I'm working with two of my best friends :)

Things in my personal life have been interesting to say the least. I have met a wonderful man and we're trying the dating scene out. He is just a little under a year younger than me. He got home from his mission in December and we've been doing things together since January. We decided to be an official couple last week, so I'm still trying to figure all of this out. He is a good man and I'm excited to see where things go.

My youngest brother has put his mission papers in. We're hoping to get his mission call within the next couple of weeks. We're not sure where he's going to go, but we know he's going to be a great missionary.

My sister is a lucky bug and gets to go to London for three weeks, all expenses paid!! How does she get so lucky!! She's going to tutor one of my Dad's cousin's sons with his schoolwork. Dow is so bright that it doesn't surprise me that she's being sought after. I've always admired her dedication to school work. I know its something that I could never do.

That's my life as of now. I hope you enjoyed it!