Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

Our dear prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has gone home to our Heavenly Father, last night, January 27, 2008.

Today is a bittersweet day for members of the LDS Faith because we have lost our beloved leader, but yet, he is with his eternal sweetheart on the other side of the veil. How grateful I am to have been a member of the church, to see how much the Gospel has spread during his time as our prophet.

President Hinckley is the only prophet I have ever known and I'm in shock, but grateful for the life he lived and what a profound example he was to me. I only hope that as I live my life, I may touch lives like he did. I may not reach as many people as he has, but if I can make a difference as he has done, then my life is well lived. I pray for his family that they may have the Comforter with them during this time.

Thank you President Hinckley, for your faith, your testimony, and devotion to our Savior, Jesus Christ. You have been a strength to me!! You will be sorely missed!! God Be With You Until We Meet Again!!!!


Our Corner said...

Thank You for that. :) You have such a great way of wording things.
Love ya

Hernan+ said...

I am going to the viewing and the funeral this weekend... and guess what... I am going to take pictures!
