Wednesday, January 9, 2008


As I was reading Kristene's blog this morning, I decided that I haven't set goals for a long time, or if I have, they haven't been much of anything because I forgot.

I've decided that I need to get out of debt. I don't have a lot of debt, but it would be nice to not have certain bills anymore, like my student loan payment.

I have been so blessed by my Heavenly Father, and I'm truly grateful to Him for all he has given me. I want my relationship with my Father to grow and my testimony of the Gospel to grow. I know its true, but I think I could always do more to make myself a better person.

I need to be grateful for everything. The people in my branch, the people I work with, and my family are so patient with me and I should show more gratitude for them and all they do for me.

Also, my goal is to get asked out on three dates this year. When it comes to dating, I'm always doing the asking, so I decided that I would like to get asked this year. We'll see if it comes true, but I'm always hopeful :D

Life is wonderful and I'm in a good place!!


Our Corner said...

Those are great goals!. I expecially like the last one. :)

Anonymous said...

nice resolution. i've given up on making resolutions. you're awesome.

BECKY said...

Dashing Dawn! You have a blog???!! How terribly exciting!

Great goals! I hope you do keep them all!

Maybe you should add more Taco Tuesdays to your resolutions too. Ha ha!