So, me, trying my culinary skills decided that I was going to cook dinner for my family last Sunday.
Saturday, I went shopping and purchased dinner, realizing how expensive it is to feed my family. Dinner cost me about $50, needless to say, this won't happen often.
I woke up super early on Sunday morning to use my new roaster oven my Grandma Honey bought me before I moved out of my house 2 years ago and was set to go. I pulled out the 2 pot roasts (there were 7 of us, which included 4 men, one a teenager) and stuck them in my roaster oven on 200 degrees with the water and all the seasonings. Well, then my sweet mother called me and instructed me that 200 degrees was too low, to turn it up to 275. Everything looked good, so I went off to take care of callings and go to church.
Meanwhile, Grandpa comes home from church and smells something burning in my apartment in his basement. He rushes downstairs and sees that the water is completely gone and my roasts are basically frying in my roaster oven.
I get home from church and still smell the lovely burning smell. I rush downstairs and see that my oven has water in it, but its been turned down. The meat looks kinda dark, but the inside looked good and tender.
Dinner turned out well, with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes (I owed my Dad some), homemade rolls and drinks. I have learned that 200 degrees in the roaster oven is plenty if the roast will be cooking for about 6 hours and that my parents will eat anything that I cook. The roast actually tasted pretty good. I think I'll have to try it again someday.