Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It's been an interesting two weeks in my life. My mom had some major surgery done last week. As she is home recovering, she is under some really tight restrictions. She is basically down for a month and can't lift anything as much as a cookie sheet. If you know my Mom, she's going crazy at this point in time. She's always up and doing. On Sunday, my youngest brother, Ethan, was ordained an Elder in the Priesthood. We are all so proud of him. He invited a bunch of people over for dinner after the ordination. My Mom called me around 9:30 a.m. and asked me to come over because my siblings and Dad had left for Stake Conference and the house wasn't quite ready and dessert needed to be made. So, I went and helped my Mom do the household chores while she put together my choir folders for my ward choir. I am so grateful for my Mom. She has always done so much for me and helped mold me into the person I am. I just hope that I can give a piece back to her of what she's done for me.

As I watched Ethan be ordained to the Priesthood by my Dad, I was so full of gratitude for the Priesthood in my life. I have been so blessed to grow up in a home with a Father that honored his Priesthood. I hope that Ethan will follow our Father's example in his life with his future family.

My dearest aunt in the world was diagnosed with breast cancer this last week. Wow! I didn't know quite how to respond to that. She caught it early enough that they believe that she'll be just fine, but the thought of cancer can give anyone chills up their spine. We are praying that all will go well and she'll continue to live her life to the fullest.

As for work, I believe I work with the best people in the whole world. They are so kind and patient and are willing to work with the students. The atmosphere on the 2nd floor cannot be found anywhere else in the College. It reminds me of what we had at the Mansion. We all have different bosses, but we are all here for one purpose, and that is to help the student succeed. I have had my rough spots the last couple of months, but I truly love my job and the people that I work with.


Our Corner said...

I hope your Aunt is ok and that they get all the cancer out. I feel bad for your mom still. That's awesome though that you were there to help her out.

BECKY said...

Wow on the update... that's a lot going on. Your mom and aunt are in my thoughts. Loves.

Our Corner said...

TAG your it Please see my blog.

BECKY said...

Did you take that picture at the top? It is INCREDIBLE.

Laura said...

My mother had some major surgery that same week. Strict restrictions for at least 6 weeks, but she doesn't listen. It is hard to get her to sit down as well. Glad your mother is doing well.