Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Unknown Reasons

So, as I said in a previous post, I was dating a wonderful man in my ward. Unfortunately, all of that came crashing down on Sunday night. Needless to say, I was crushed. There were mixed emotions, but as I was getting ready for work this morning, it all started making sense.

When he mentioned that we should date, I felt the Spirit confirm that decision to me, so we went for it. For the last month, I've been working so hard on making the relationship work and didn't feel like he was making any effort at all. Apparently, he just didn't have any feelings beyond friendship for me. When he told me that on Sunday, it cut me to the core, but as I look at it now, we never changed in our relationship. We were just good friends. The hardest thing for me to figure out is why my Heavenly Father told me it was okay to date him. Although, I'm not sure if it was a test of my obedience or I needed to learn something, I'm just grateful that He knows enough and cares enough to teach me something. I have no bad feelings for him (the guy I was dating). I feel bad that I wasn't noticing the same things he was. I guess I was just ready to move out of singlehood forever.

Needless to say, I'm single and I'm ready and willing to learn whatever I need to. I'm doing everything I can to live the way I know I'm supposed to. I'm putting this whole matter in the Lord's hands and I'll be just fine.


Our Corner said...

Dawn your so amazing I hope you know that.

Sally said...

I think that's the hardest lesson in life to learn. Why does the Lord expect us to endure certain hardships? Sometimes it's explained later on in our lives, and sometimes I think we'll find out in the next life. You're a great person. Don't beat yourself up about that.

Nebes said...

tell me his name and I'll break his face :D ... in all seriousness, don't beat yourself up. you're a good girl and you deserve someone who will make you happy!

Jessica said...

I still think you are an absolutely wonderful woman! I'm sad that it didn't work out but you have so many good things going for you! After all, I'm your friend, how much better can that get? :)

BECKY said...

Life is so complicated; it's true. I was in a relationship where he was using words like 'eternal companion' and then two weeks later out of the blue it was done. It made no sense and it didn't make sense for months. But later I was able to realize the reasons I was supposed to date him and the valuable lessons I learned from it. And I promise... all the bitter memories make the sweet one sooooooooo much better!

The Halloween Fans said...

I remember wondering the same questions when I was single and dating. Then a leader in our singles ward said something to me that made perfect sense. She told me that there are reasons for why we date. Our Heavenly Father needs to prepare you for your mate. You dont know when and where you will meet your eternal companion, but by dating others you will be in a position to be open or in a state where you and your companion will know that it is right. Does that make sense? Okay, when Bryan and I met, I reserved a little of my feelings and was a cool and collective gal. We just kept saying to each other, "I am just waiting for you to kick me to the curb." Well as you can tell we never did. Looking back, I needed those experiences to keep me in that relationship. If I would have met Bryan 5 years earlier, I would definetly NOT have even considered going out on a date with him.(even though he is extremely good looking.) So anyways long story short, keep plugging away, it will happen.