Monday, July 27, 2009


Well, its been a while since I've posted anything on my blog. A lot of wonderful things have happened and I've learned a lot of new lessons.

The beginning of June started out with a bang. I had the most wonderful employees working for me, and then all of a sudden, they quit the same time. Nicole found a wonderful full-time job, next to her new house, so you couldn't begrudge her for that. Lindsay moved to California so she and her husband could finish school. Worthy causes, but headache for me because it was the first week of Summer Semester and there weren't many nice people coming in. Well, thank goodness for the awesome Helpdesk people on our campus, I made it. I hired two more gals to come and work for me and they started 3 days before I left for a 10 day vacation. They are amazing though. I did not have one voicemail or email that I had to answer back. Everything was taken care of. I think I got the best of the best :)

Well, I went to the Shop Hop with my rent-a-mom, Marilyn. The Shop Hop is a bunch of quilting stores all over the state of Utah. Marilyn has gotten me hooked on quilting. I love it! I just wish it wasn't so expensive. Anyway, I found some wonderful things to keep me occupied for a while. I'll post pictures when I begin finishing these projects.

The next day, we were of to Jackson Hole, Wyoming for a last vacation with the six of us for a while. My youngest brother, Ethan is headed for Washington State to preach the Gospel in the next week or so. My brother, Matt, Grandpa and I drove the 6 hour drive listening to cowboy music and singing along. Our trip was full of adventure! We went fishing, shopping, roasted marshmallows, held Sacrament Meeting in my Parent's trailer, and froze :) It rained and hailed quite a bit the beginning of the week. I even got to wash my hair under the spigot while it was 30 degrees outside. Talk about adventure!! We went to the Bar J Chuckwagon for dinner and a show. When we got there to wait in line, there were a couple of gentlemen playing cards and joking around with us. They invited Jake (my rent-a-brother) and I to play with them. They were YM leaders from Rexburg, ID and had brought 21 Priests and Teachers up for camp and rafting down the Snake River. So, I got to play cards with a bunch of darling YM. Too bad they weren't 10 years older ;) Dinner was awesome and so was the show! I enjoyed it immensely. Unfortunately, I found out later that one of the YM leaders, Craig, drowned in the Snake River the next day with his YM. It taught me how fragile and precious life is. I only knew Craig for 3 hours, but I knew where his heart was. I have decided that I want to live my life so those around me that I meet will know where my heart is. It was a wonderful trip and I really enjoyed spending time with my family. I think I have one of the best!

Then, I went to Girl's Camp! Yay for Girl's Camp!! That is my only regret with going to a singles ward is that I cannot be a part of the YW. I love the YW of the Church!! I had 5 beautiful girls that I took with me and I had a blast. We went to Tabiona, UT and spend 3 amazing days up there. It was definitely a testimony builder for me.

During this time, I have left my singles branch and have started going to a new singles ward. I've only been going for about a month, but I'm enjoying it immensely. :)


Our Corner said...

You didnt tell me about the guy you met at the Bar J that is so sad. But it sounds like you have had a lot of fun. :)

Sally said...

That sounds like a great vacation! Did you know Mark is working in Jackson Hole this summer? Glad you were able to get away and relax.

BECKY said...

SO sad about the guy drowning. :( But I love the lesson you learned from it. And how exciting about a new ward... sounds like just what you need! (Hopefully you don't get as many callings there!!!) Loved all your pics... I can tell you had a great time everywhere you went.