Tuesday, November 17, 2009

God Loves Me!!!

I had an amazing experience last week, but I need to share some background first. I was in a car accident a little over a year ago that totalled my car and sent me to a chiropractor for a year. I had to take out loans to cover my medical expenses because my auto insurance only covered $3,000. So, to say I was a little stressed over the money would be an understatement. I owed around $1,200 on medical bills and it had to be paid off by February or I would be paying 26% interest. Not my idea of fun.

Well, last Thursday I got a call from the insurance company of the kid that hit me last year. They had reviewed my medical charts and were willing to give me a settlement of $5,000. WOW!!! That only took care of the medical bills, but all of my other debts (except for the car). I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father that heard my prayers and helped me when I wasn't sure if I could help myself. I am truly blessed :)


BECKY said...

!!!! Awesome!

Nebes said...

This reminds me of the talk from the last conference given by Pres. Packer...you may remember: the family's cow ate what it shouldn't have and was going to die. One of pres. Packer's son prayed that the cow would live. Pres. Packer was in California giving a talk about how not everything we pray for is answered...the cow lived! Heavenly Father answers our prayers!

Thank you for sharing!

Our Corner said...


Anonymous said...

That's a great experience! :D